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Exploring the Symfony universe!
Welcome to this week's Symfony Station Communiqué. It's your review of the essential news in the Symfony and PHP development communities focusing on protecting democracy. We also cover the cybersecurity world and the Fediverse.
There is plenty of good content in each category this week, so please take your time and enjoy the ones most relevant and valuable to you. There are three ship tons of PHP items this week.
Or jump straight to your favorite section.
Once again, thanks to Javier Eguiluz and Symfony for sharing our latest communiqué in their Week of Symfony.
My opinions will be in bold. And will often involve profanity.
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As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony.
Highlight -> “This week, Symfony 5.4.24 and 6.2.11 maintenance versions were released. Meanwhile, we published the 6.3.0 Release Candidate 1 and Release Candidate 2 versions in preparation for the final release of Symfony 6.3 next week.“
A Week of Symfony #856 (22-28 May 2023)
Symfony announced:
Symfony 6.3 curated new features
New in Symfony 6.3: Scheduler Component
New in Symfony 6.3: Webhook Integration with Mailer and Notifier
SymfonyOnline June 2023 - The schedule is online!
Join Nicolas G. and Juliette R.F. at Brussels PHP meetup on June 22th!
May's Symfony updates are here - check them out! 🚀
Blackfire shared:
Raise your hands for Blackfire CLI: Profiling everything from your terminal
SymfonyCasts updates its Doctrine course:
ArsTechnica asks and reviews a book with the answers. It’s an interesting read.
Hint: Since cybersecurity deals with crimes and crimes come from humans and humans mostly suck, the answer is no. If you are in cybersecurity, buy the book anyway. So, you can minimize the suck.
Nacho Colomina Torregrosa shows us how to:
Create a service on the fly in a Symfony third party bundle
Strangebuzz explores:
Using Symfony forms with PHP typed properties
Susubi examines:
Payment by Purchase Order in Drupal Commerce
Lewis Blakeney shares:
The Importance of Magento Performance Optimization and How to Achieve It
Typo3 announces:
Update on the TYPO3 Content Blocks and Leadership Changes
Yay Typo3.
Lullabots updates us on:
Sponsoring Drupal Contributions at Lullabot
This is great news, and we need more efforts like this to bring Drupal back to advancement. It’s a point I belabored in my article, Does Drupal Have a Path to Growth?
HashBangCode looks at:
Drupal 10: Using A Lazy Builder To Create A Dynamic Button
PrometSource has this well-written tutorial:
6 Steps to Build a Solid Banner Component in Drupal 10
Matt Glaman explores:
Factories and dependency injection
WasmLabs examines:
Hardening Drupal with WebAssembly
This is extremely interesting and looks to be production ready later this year.
On a related note, InWebWorks shares:
The Ultimate Drupal Security Checklist to Safeguard Your Website
Drupal is:
Introducing the Updated Drupal Community Code of Conduct
And has a technical update related to Twig:
New clean_unique_id Twig filter
Mike Herchel announces:
Two DrupalCon Pittsburgh Sessions (plus a new job announcement!)
DrupalEasy dissects:
Drupal's OpenAI / ChatGPT / AI Search Integration contrib module - initial impressions
TechTales looks at:
Forms, Tables, and Pretty URLs. How do I create a customized data grid?
Pavel Buchnev explores:
Unleashing the Power of High Performance Queue Services for PHP applications
What’s up with the fucking “Unleashing” headlines recently? AI? Let’s unleash some originality peeps.
Ryan Chandler shows us how to:
Build Your Own Service Container in PHP - Minimal Container
Stitcher examines:
Building a procedurally generated game with PHP
Moslem Deris looks at:
The Great Debate: ‘ (single quotes) or “ (double quotes) in PHP — Best Practices and Examples
Camilo Herrera explores:
Server monitoring with PHP and Bash Scripts
Ariful Islam examines:
PHP Depency Injection Based on Payment Gateway
php[architect] looks at:
Automating Our Tests With GitHub Actions
And releases its May issue:
Nico Anatasio shares:
PHP Security Best Practices PT1
Jack Marchant is:
Interesting and extensive.
Daniel Rotter explores:
Configuring NGINX with php-fpm in Kubernetes and the “File not found.” error
Peter Hrobar examines parallel processing:
Share nothing, copy by value and go \parallel
Olivia J shows us:
How to Use PHP Namespaces to Organize and Manage Your Code
Chris White shares:
Generating Large ZIP Exports From Files in S3 with ZipStream-PHP
London Lingo shows us:
How to Supercharge Your PHP RESTful APIs: A Complete Guide
Sergiu Pogor has another guide:
Mastering PHP Variable Types: A Comprehensive Guide
Miladev continues an exhaustive series on design patterns:
Mediator design pattern in PHP
I started sharing these, so I am going to stick to it until Miladev exhausts himself, herself, themselves, itself (AI).
Simple factory design pattern in PHP
Singleton design pattern in PHP
Erland Muchasaj asks:
In JS "this" flummoxed the hell out of me in bootcamp.
Mohamed Said looks at:
Defensive programming: the byzantine generals problem
Yannick Chenot explores:
Building a PHP CLI tool using DDD and Event Sourcing: getting started with EventSauce
Please visit our Support Ukraine page to learn how you can help kick Russia out of Ukraine (eventually).
The Register reports:
Ukraine war blurs lines between cyber-crims and state-sponsored attackers
NPR reports:
She had a dream job. Now, she's part of a massive brain drain hammering Russia
Dark Reading reports:
Pentagon Leaks Emphasize the Need for a Trusted Workforce
Ars Technica reports:
Israeli cyberweapon manufacturers plot to stay on the right side of US
It was hard to determine whether this article should be here or in the section below.
iNews reports:
Chinese hackers seeking ways to cripple infrastructure ‘likely to have targeted UK operators’
Forbes reports:
TikTok Creators’ Financial Info, Social Security Numbers Have Been Stored In China
Infosecurity Magazine reports:
Chinese Phishing Gang "PostalFurious" Expands Campaign
The Register reports:
Pegasus-pusher NSO gets new owner keen on the commercial spyware biz
You might have been phished by the gang that stole North Korea’s lousy rocket tech
The Register reports:
Amazon Ring, Alexa accused of every nightmare IoT security fail you can imagine
How surprising.
The Markup improves their tracking exposure tool:
Blacklight Updated With New Tracker Lists
DarkReading reports:
Top Cyberattacks Revealed in New Threat Intelligence Report
Digital Owl’s Prose examines:
Ensuring Data Security: The Crucial Role of Web Development in Achieving SOC 2 Compliance
MedCity reports:
Federal Agencies Release New Guidelines to Help Providers Fend Off Ransomware
Inspector compares:
The MDN blog looks at:
Using HTML landmark roles to improve accessibility
Evil Martians (great band name) list:
11 HTML best practices for login & sign-up forms
Dave Rupert shares:
Getting started with View Transitions on multi-page apps
Quite interesting.
Smashing Magazine explores:
Advanced Form Control Styling With Selectmenu And Anchoring API
New CSS to replace some JavaScript is coming soon!
Sitepoint has a:
Quick Tip: Shipping Resilient CSS Components
Jason Knight asks:
Not All JavaScript Array Iterators Are Equal… Or Are They?
GitHub has:
Ben Werdmuller addresses:
This is what some fear Meta is after with its new federated Instagram product.
Stefan Bohacek demonstrates:
Making Fediverse apps for everyone
Onyxbits asks and answers:
What happens, when you have to move your Mastodon account to another instance?
Jeff Sikes shares:
Calckey is a more fun-oriented microblogging Platform like Mastodon (which is more serious).
Bridgy Fed turns your website into its own Fediverse account.
Owncast announces:
Mobilizon, an Eventbrite-like platform on the Fediverse shares:
Do you own or work for an organization that would be interested in our promotion opportunities? Or supporting our journalistic efforts? If so, please get in touch with us. We’re in our infancy, so it’s extra economical. 😉
More importantly, if you are a Ukrainian company with coding-related products, we can offer free promotion on our Support Ukraine page. Or, if you know of one, get in touch.
Keep coding Symfonistas!
Symfony Station covers the essential news in the Symfony, PHP, and Fediverse development communities with a focus on protecting democracy. Please use the button above to make a small donation to help cover our out-of-pocket costs. Our labor is provided free of charge to support the communities we write about.
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