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Symfony Station Communiqué - 06 October 2023

By Reuben Walker , 6 October, 2023

Welcome to this week's Symfony Station communiqué. It's your review of the essential news in the Symfony and PHP development communities focusing on protecting democracy. We also cover the cybersecurity world and the Fediverse.

There is plenty of good content in each category this week, so please take your time and enjoy the items most relevant and valuable to you.

Or jump straight to your favorite section.

Once again, thanks go out to Javier Eguiluz and Symfony for sharing our communiqué in their Week of Symfony.

My opinions will be in bold. And will often involve cursing.

Highlight -> "This week, Symfony 5.4.29 and 6.3.5 maintenance versions were released. Meanwhile, development activity focused on tweaking and polishing some of the features included in the upcoming Symfony 6.4 and 7.0 versions. Lastly, the SymfonyLive Berlin 2023 conference will take place next week."

A Week of Symfony #874 (25 September - 1 October 2023) 

They also have:

This new page of component demos on Symfony UX

SymfonyCon Brussels 2023: How much database abstraction do I need?

SymfonyCasts continues their latest API Platform course:
This week in SymfonyCasts

Featured Item

Joan Westenberg writes:

"The accelerated adoption of digital tech promised to make knowledge workers more productive and efficient than ever before. Internet-connected smartphones, laptops, and tablets now allow us to work, access information, communicate, and collaborate virtually anytime, from anywhere.

Sophisticated productivity software, apps, and AI have eliminated tedious tasks and automated routine processes. But despite having access to more productivity-enhancing tools than previous generations, we keep reporting that we feel more fragmented, distracted, busy, stressed and burned out.

This phenomenon is the “productivity paradox” of the digital age."

Productivity Is Destroying Our Society

This Week

Thomas Hercule shows us:
How to ensure that all the routes on my Symfony app have access control

Marat Latypov examines the:
Strategy Pattern in Symfony

Priyank Gondaliya looks at:
Mastering Symfony Routing: A Comprehensive Guide

Jakob Skowron shares:
The Ultimate Guide to Stress-Free Symfony App Management with Supervisord 

Leo G. is:
Unraveling the Magic of Dependency Injection in Symfony

Ruben Rubio explores:
Clean controllers in Symfony (II): response handling 
See part 1 in the previous weeks section below.

EU StartUp News looks at SensioLabs, the company that created and maintains Symfony:
Can Open Source SaaS Solutions Revolutionise Web Development and Digital Media? has a presentation on:
PHPUnit 10 for Symfony Developers 


Tom Smykowski examines:
Prestashop 8.1.2: Easier Product Reordering 

Sylius shares:
Month of Sylius: September


Amit Merchant asks:
Whatever happened to the Zend framework


Sulu shares:
Sulu on the road

TYPO3 has:
T3CON23: Journey Through Digital Transformation 

Meet the Minds Behind the TYPO3 Awards: Insights from Our Expert Jury

Press Release: CPS GmbH Joins TYPO3 Platinum Membership

Torben Hansen looks at:
The pitfalls of reusing TYPO3 QueryBuilder: Analyzing a performance bottleneck

Joomla announces:
Joomla 5.0 Release Candidate - Test the final package

Drupal announces:
Drupal core's GitLab CI testing is now five times faster than DrupalCI 

The Drop Times has:
Migration from Drupal 7 Simplified as Acquia’s Innovative Tool Goes FOSS 
We shared something similar last week, but this is so important it’s worth sharing again.

NodeHive: Pioneering an Eco-Conscious Future in Digital Innovation Powered by Drupal

Drupal GIS Modules: Mapping a Canvas of Web Possibilities

ImageX Media shares:
DrupalCon Lille 2023: Exciting Session Picks From Our Team’s Attendees
I am really looking forward to being in Lille, I may publish one of these as well.

Drupal has more:
Join strategic and community initiatives at DrupalCon Lille

Five Jars asks:
Is Drupal a good CMS for education for organizations?
The answer is yes, of course. But this article provides lots of great reasons why.

Salsa Digital shares:
Drupal patching — a complete Drupal self-help guide for effective patch management to keep your website up-to-date, stable and secure

PreviousNext updates us on:
The Pitchburgh Diaries - decoupled Layout Builder Sprint 1 & 2 
Great stuff even though they are using React.

Sebastix shows us how to:
Upgrade to Drush 12

And ChromaticHQ shows us:
Change Drush Command Annotations with an Alterer Service

Previous Weeks

Ruben Rubio explores:
Clean controllers in Symfony (I): exception handling 
See part 1 below in the Previous Weeks section.

This Week

The PHP Foundation released:
PHP Core Roundup #17

Gul Zaib (cool name) examines:
Concurrency Management: How Web Servers Keep the Show Running Smoothly

Mastering PHP Foreach Loops: The Power of '&' for References

The Codefy Architect shares:
An Introduction to CodefyPHP: A Domain-Driven Framework

Jeckel-Lab has:
A short history of immutability in PHP 

Inspector asks:
Why use declare(strict_types=1) in PHP – Fast tips 

Kinsta shows newcomers how to:
How To Install Composer on Windows, macOS, and Linux

In Portuguese Antonio Silva adds:
Composer: Install, Require, Update, Remove

Coding Panel shows us:
How to use Multithreading in PHP

Jochelle Medonca has:
Demystifying CQRS: A Simplified Guide 
This is a good article.

Unherd has:
Capitalism is dead: long live Technofeudalism/ 
This is a good follow-up on last week's featured article. So, rise up, cloud serfs, you have nothing to lose but your chains.

Decrypt reports:
Paris-Based Mistral AI Enters the Arena with Free and Powerful New Language Model

ipfyx has:
Blocking Visual Studio Code embedded reverse shell before it's too late 

The man who inspired part of the name of our parent company, Mobile Atom Media, Brad Frost expounds on:
From Templates to Atoms

Bryce Wray shares:
The intriguing announcement of Cloudflare Fonts

ThatHTML blog explores:
Fluid Type Variable Magic

Specbee examines the:
The basics and beyond of CSS units 
This is perfect for the CSS challenged.

Please visit our Support Ukraine page to learn how you can help kick Russia out of Ukraine (eventually).

The cyber response to Russia’s War Crimes and other douchebaggery

The Register reports:
EFF urges Chrome users to get out of the Privacy Sandbox 

AWS stirs the MadPot – busting bot baddies and eastern espionage

The Conversation reports:
AI disinformation is a threat to elections − learning to spot Russian, Chinese, and Iranian meddling in other countries can help the US prepare for 2024 

PC Gamer reports:
Red Cross issues rules of engagement to war-focused hacker groups, who say, 'why should I listen to the Red Cross?'
Evil doesn't abide by international norms, does it?

Speaking of which, Microsoft reports:
Espionage fuels global cyberattacks

The Evil Empire Strikes Back

Wired reports:
How Google Alters Search Queries to Get at Your Wallet 

Propublica reports:
Facebook’s Secret Censorship Rules Protect White Men From Hate Speech But Not Black Children

Dark Reading reports:
USPS Anchors Snowballing Smishing Campaigns 

The Hacker News reports:
Chinese Hackers Target Semiconductor Firms in East Asia with Cobalt Strike

The Register reports:
South Korea accuses North of Phish and Ships attack 

Axios reports:
Businesses with government contracts ripe targets for cyber attacks

Government Technology asks:
Citizen Cyber Brigades Held Promise — Have They Delivered?


The Fediverse Report has:
Last Week in Fediverse – episode 37

Mark Zuckerberg on Threads and ActivityPub 

Mastodon finally caught up and published:
Mastodon: Annual Report 2022

CTAs (aka show us some free love)

Do you own or work for an organization that would be interested in our promotion opportunities? Or supporting our journalistic efforts? If so, please get in touch with us. We’re in our infancy, so it’s extra economical. 😉

More importantly, if you are a Ukrainian company with coding-related products, we can offer free promotion on our Support Ukraine page. Or, if you know of one, get in touch.

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