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By Reuben Walker , 24 April, 2024
Symfony is unbeatable when it comes to building complex and scalable web applications. Be they sites, services, an API, or Spotify. It's a fantastic weapon in your PHP programming skills arsenal. So, breakout you laptop and put your thinking helmet on. This is the way to learn modern Symfony and slay your PHP space demons.
By Reuben Walker , 13 October, 2023
Welcome to this week's Symfony Station communiqué. It's your review of the essential news in the Symfony and PHP development communities focusing on protecting democracy. We also cover the cybersecurity world and the Fediverse.
By Reuben Walker , 9 October, 2023
This article explores and reviews SymfonyCast’s “Harmonious Development with Symfony 6” tutorial course in detail. Best of all, the course and the review are free. They are a fantastic way to introduce yourself to the Symfony programming framework and the official learning platform.
By Reuben Walker , 18 February, 2022


Welcome to this week's Symfony Station Communiqué. It's your weekly review of the most essential news in the Symfony and PHP development communities. Take your time and enjoy the items most valuable for you.

Thanks to Javier Eguiluz and Symfony for sharing our last communiquĂ© in their Week of Symfony.